Do you use git? Then this is for you...

Do you use git? Then this is for you...

7 ways in which you can add files to your commit using git add

For anyone who uses git, git add is the most commonly used terminal command to add files. But have you ever wondered if you can add only newly created files or just a specific type of file? Well, you can, and what's more interesting is you can do more than that with git add.

Let's dive right in!!!

1) Add all files

The below line can be used to select all files such as

  • newly created files

  • deleted files

  • modified files

git add .

2) Add just a specified file

Lets assume that you edited multiple files, but you want to add just a specific file to the commit, then use the below command

git add < path-to-file >

//eg: add just the CSS file from the specified path
git add apps/project-structure/styles.css

3) Add files with a specific extension

Using the below command one can choose a specific type of file, e.g: One can choose to add just HTML files, CSS files or JavaScript files, etc.

git add *.< file-extension >

//eg: add all files with extension scss
git add *.scss

4) Add all files under a particular directory

Using the below command one can add all the files under a particular directory path

git add < directory >

//eg: add all files under the folder project-test
git add apps/project-test/

5) Add all files which are usually ignored via gitignore

Using the below command one can add all the files which are generally ignored via gitignore

git add -f


git add --force

6) Add all files except deleted files

Using the below command one can add all the files i.e newly created files and modified files, but this command will ignore the deleted files

git add --ignore-removal

7) Add all files except new files

Using the below command one can add all the files i.e modified files and deleted files, but this command will ignore newly created files

git add -u


git add --update

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